today is a boring day ya~I sit at there listen undang about 5 more hour ya~besides than I also sit at there about 1 half hour to wait the talk start...super boring lah!but I very lucky ya~got a girl accompany me~haha...very happy ah!this boring Saturday is pass already lo!but I want start read the undang lo!wuwuwu....I so so so lazy ya~want give money to test so I got a lot tension ah!sad...
don't know what reason today I feel very I talk so much when I work...haha~maybe 2morrow I not need work lah!but 2morrow I will go to listen undang...I feel very excited and scare... haha~besides than I got money but cloth lo!maybe I will keep some money to use at Singapore...Christmas is coming lo!still have about 21 days is very very busy...I got many work not yet finish...I still have a agenda not yet type ya~busy... busy... busy...
the date listen undang change time jor lo~change to I so so tired ya~after the akaun tuition then go to learn piano...after then back go home...about 4.40 pm I go to add math very tired now...I got many things haven finish ya~if I can 48 hour per day my life will more nice...I borrow a lot of novel from mt friend but I not have time to read it... month is pass already lo!I start my tuition lo!I love tuition at there cause very relax and teacher always talk the joke...haha~wah~so fast can go ti Singapore lo!Christmas also coming soon lo!but I got many things wait me to do...still have one month 2009 is coming lo!my SPM also is coming lo!I must add oil lo!I want a good future~I want a good job after I be a school leaver...haha~praying...~chiu yee gambateh~