wuwuwu...y my holidays not like holidays ya?although now is school holidays,but I still want tuition...work...learn piano...I so so so tired ya...especially the English tuition ya~I feel very stress and tension ya~I hate the teacher. Always want give test to me.I hate any test ya~who can help me ya?today I scold by her ya...I try my best to write the essay,but she still will scold me...the student tuition at there very clever jor...I can't follow ya~just copy I also will slow than them...a lot of homework ya~I really very tired ya...I want rest,rest and rest...I not have freedom lo!I hope I can read novel and watch movie in all time of holidays...but now I cannot like that lo!My theory rise to grade 4 and 5 lo! the theory test is coming soon...I can't handle lo!I want give up ya~but now give up very very waste ya...Besides that, I face a hard problem ya...the problem is my money not enough ya...my sister birthday is coming lo!but I still not have money to buy their birthday present ya~what can I do ah?what is the most faster way to get money ya?